quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2007


I'm growing bigger. I can feel it, especially in my arms and back. I've had some back issues in the past few weeks, luckily my girlfriend is physiotherapist and has been taking care of my back for me.
Not only bigger but I also feel myself getting stronger, and my weights and reps confirm it.
I'm on week 4 of my Upside Down Training, following Vince Del Monte's "No NonSense Muscle Building". I plan to do 5 weeks of UPT, and then start my fat cutting phase. As I'm about 17% body fat at the moment, I plan to cut fat for about 7 weeks, to reach 10/11% body fat, before I start my bulking phase.
For the moment I'm not exactly eating clean, but I don't really care. I'm going to enjoy a bit of my time before I really start cutting, and at that time, there will be no junk whatsoever. It will be the most disciplined 7 weeks of my life.

Until next week :)

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