domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2007

Photo update

4 comentários:

Mauricio Segura disse...
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Mauricio Segura disse...


You are making really good progress. Congratulations!!!

Stick to the program for the entire 16 weeks, don’t give up.

It’s been a long rewarding for you since 2005, eh?! It has definitely paid off.

How’s your diet? Do you have access to a gym?

Regards and congratulations on your achievements so far,

Mauricio Segura

Pie disse...

Hey I was catching up on reading everyone's blogs. You have come a long way since your first post, and a SUPER long way since 2005. I am thoroughly impressed with you. To have come so far is quite a feat! Awesome work, keep it up.

Roger D disse...

luce muy bien, looks very good, help me a little please dude, add me to msn rogermtv at hotmail

congrats need some advices!